A Safe and Vibrant Valencia for Everyone. Una Valencia segura y vibrante para todos

Valencia is a loved shopping corridor with narrow sidewalks, not enough public seating, serious traffic safety issues, and too few trees.

We are a group of neighbors and merchants who want Valencia to realize its potential as a vibrant promenade; the city’s premier destination for shopping, socializing, walking and eating.

Our Values

We aim to improve safety, livability, and community on Valencia Street by creating space that puts people first. We seek to prioritize safety for every user and access for local businesses. By making Valencia more safe, accessible and green we can create a more Vibrant Valencia.

Valencia has high levels of people getting hit by car drivers. It’s time we fix the street and make Valencia the city’s best shopping and dining destination.

Over the past 10 years, there have been 347 reported pedestrian or bicycle-involved crashes along the length of Valencia, from Mission to Market. Four people have died as a result of these crashes.

Valencia from 15th to Cesar Chavez remains on the city’s list of most dangerous streets. It’s not safe enough for kids to walk independently, or seniors to cross the street safely. The city should address safety while converting more street space to walking, shopping, dining, drinking and socializing.

Our vision

Valencia could be and vibrant and thriving promenade, and the backbone of a citywide greenway network.

Recently neighbors in the Tenderloin advocated for and won the Golden Gate Ave Greenway resulting in more public park space for residents and a more vibrant street. Valencia has space to apply the same model.

We are asking SFMTA to work with merchants and residents on a community-led process for creating a Valencia greenway that prioritizes safety, green space, access for businesses, and mobility for all street users.

Rendering of Golden Gate Greenway in the Tenderloin, designed with community input and through a community-led process.

Rendering of a two-way cycle track with loading lane, one lane of traffic, and expanded parklet and pedestrian space.

Join us to improve Valencia for all our neighbors

Please Implement 24/7 pedestrian pilot blocks on Valencia Street. Una Valencia segura y vibrante para todos

Take Action

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    Sponsored by: Friends of Valencia
    Additional Sponsors: Kid Safe SF

    Send a letter to Supervisor Ronen and SFMTA to support quick-build safety improvements and a greenway pilot on Valencia.